
Do these 5 Healthy Tips in 2017

Do This 5 Healthy Tips In 2017
The new year is the time you commit yourself to health. Of course not only as a proof of your love for yourself, but also so you can keep the he and the dear ones. So, if in the previous year you are still less aware to pay attention to health, try to do these five healthy tips in 2017.

Keep the Pattern Life

The basis of healthy life is to keep the diet. Also exercise do not forget. And remember that 80% of our body consists of water, so have to drink a lot. Lack of fluid appears dehydration which ultimately make the disease.

Keeping clean is also part of a healthy lifestyle. Bacteria and viruses thrive in dirty places. Regular bath, toothbrush, clean bedroom, desk, and environment.

Prevent Breast Cancer

Remember Angelina Jolie's fearless story lifts her breasts for her future, because she realizes her family is descended from breast cancer? Carcinoma Mammae or generally referred to as breast cancer is one type of malignant cancer that can attack women. This cancer can grow in breast tissue such as ducts and milk glands as well as fat tissue or connective tissue in the breast.

Well, calm down, no need to panic and act extreme. A simple way to detect early breast cancer is to realize (Check Breast Self). Breasts usually feel strange or different, generally feels solid and tight in the menstrual period. Well, a few days after menstruation this is the right time to do Sadari.

To perform breast self-examination, you only need hand, vision, and mirror. Stand in front of the mirror, undress from the waist up.

Pay attention to the shape of your breasts. Women generally do not have breasts of the same size (right breasts are bigger or smaller than others).

Standing with your arms at your sides. See shape, size, and whether there are changes like surface and skin color, as well as the shape of your breast nipple. Is there a lump?

Put your hands on the waist and press firmly to tighten the chest muscles. Watch the breast as you look from the left to the right and vice versa, what shape is normal. Is there a lump?

Bending in front of the glass so that the breast extends downward. Watch and touch to see if there are any specific changes to the breast.

Link your hands behind your head and push inside. Pay attention to both breasts, including at the bottom.

Check if there is any liquid coming out of your nipple. Place your thumb and forefinger around the nipple, then gently press, and notice if any fluid is coming out. Repeat on the other breast.

Prevent Cervical Cancer

The best way to prevent cervical cancer is by doing a pap smear test to determine the presence of HPV (Human Papillomavirus) -cause of cervical cancer, early on. Pap smear is a screening tool detection of cervical cancer, by examining the cervix to the uterus pelvis. Ideally this test is done since the age of 21 years. At least age range 21-29 years of pap smear test every 3 years. While the age of 30- 65 years of testing Pap smears and HPV tests every 5 years.

Inject HPV vaccine early, ideally before sexually active.

Keep Reproductive and Sex Health

Kodrad women contain and give birth, because it always keep the area of ​​femininity. Make sure you and the him clean, in the sense of mutual loyalty (not changing partners). Genital diseases such as gonorrhoea, chlamydia, and syphilis bring significant impact in the future. Genital diseases such as syphilis can in fact cause fetal death or infant death. Practical healthy sex, with safety. Maintain hygiene and genital health, also routinely check it to the doctor.

Maintain Mental Health

Mens there in corpore sano, this latin phrase means: In a healthy body there is a healthy soul. Initially people are called "crazy", of course because of the shaky mental health.

All this is stressful! Why stress? Stacking jobs, fierce bosses, uninformed spouses, messy finances, and more. Sound familiar? According to WHO, women are more prone to stress and depression. Even depression is a dangerous common mental illness. Avoid stress. Hang out with the girls. Rock on!