
Griquas vs Western Prov - Stream, Live Match | 16 Aug 2019

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What Are The Consequences For The Body If You Most Eat Protein?

Every cell and organ in your body needs protein. Because protein is one of the most important nutrients your body needs as a source of energy, helps increase muscle mass, hormone production, and build, maintain, and replace damaged tissue. However, this does not mean you can consume too much food containing protein. Excess protein is also not good for the body.

Side effects that may occur when the body is overweight protein

1. Gaining weight

Low-carb diet is one of the most effective ways to lose weight. During this diet, you will be required to replace your carbohydrate intake with more protein.

In fact, excessive consumption of protein without realizing it can actually cause weight gain. Especially if you consume animal protein sources that contain high saturated fats. Not only weight gain, but the risk of high cholesterol and blood follow-up too.

2. Damage the kidneys

A study says that excess protein can damage kidney function because it disrupts hormone levels associated with kidney function. Especially for people who already have kidney disorders, consuming protein in large quantities can result in the condition of the kidneys getting worse. However this does not apply to those who have normal kidney.

The kidneys work to help the body filter out the entire waste generated from the protein intake. The more protein the body has to digest, the more amino acids will be filtered by the kidneys and cause the kidneys to work harder and more tense than usual. If this condition continues to take care, gradually the condition of the kidneys will get worse.

3. Risk of osteoporosis

Based on research published in the journal American of Clincal Nutrition is known if too much protein consumption can increase the risk of osteoporosis. Too much protein consumption can make the body more susceptible to losing calcium, thus ultimately triggering osteoporosis. But this is still a debate.

So, how much daily protein intake is recommended?

As mentioned above, protein is an essential nutrient the body needs. But, lack or excess protein is also not good. That's why you should balance your protein intake with the consumption of carbohydrates and good fats.

Actually the daily protein requirements of each person vary depending on the weight and type of daily activities undertaken daily. Even so, based on the Nutrition Adequacy Ratio (AKG) table of Kemenkes RI, the standard number of protein sufficiency recommended for Indonesian people aged 17-60 years is about 56 - 59 grams / day for women, while for men 62-66 grams per day . But this will all be adjusted again to your daily activity level.

The more dense and intense your daily physical activity, the more protein your body needs. Therefore, it is better to consult your daily protein needs with your doctor or registered dietician to be adequately covered. This is especially important for you who often do sports.

List Of Foods With A Low Glycemic Index That Is Good For Diabetes Patients

You can not carelessly choose foods for diabetes. The reason, all the food and drinks that go into your stomach, will affect the blood sugar levels you should control. Yes, one way that you can live peacefully with diabetes is to choose the right foods.

Why should diabetics choose the right foods?

It is common knowledge that people with diabetes should reduce sweet foods, such as candy, cookies, sugar, and even honey. Food like that, will only make your blood sugar jumped uncontrollably.

However, there is one thing that is often forgotten when choosing foods for diabetes. Most people with diabetes - probably including you - do not know the value of glycemic in it. Though this value is quite influential on the rise and fall of your blood sugar.

The glycemic index is a measure that shows how fast a food raises the blood sugar in the body. If the glycemic index in a food is high, the sign of the food is very easy to make your blood sugar increase in a short time.

Meanwhile, on the contrary, if you eat foods with low glycemic values, your blood sugar will not increase dramatically, relatively stable. The recommended diet for diabetes is that it does not have a high glycemic index, which is above 70.

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So, what are the foods for diabetes whose glycemic index is low?

In fact, any food containing carbohydrates in it, must have its own glycemic index value. Here are foods for diabetes and its glycemic value:

Staple food. Sources of carbohydrates that have low glycemic value are whole grains or whole grains, such as oatmeal and brown rice. Meanwhile, the white rice or potatoes you often eat, contains a glycemic index above 70.
Vegetables. Actually, all vegetables are safe enough consumed by diabetics. The reason, the average vegetables contain a very low glycemic index to low. Examples are, carrots, broccoli, cabbage, and spinach.
Fruits. Although sweet, almost all good fruits are consumed by diabetics really. However, there are fruits that are not recommended to eat too often and much. We recommend selecting fruit with low glycemic index such as grapes, apples, strawberries, bananas, and oranges.
How about the side dishes? The animal dishes have no glycemic index value because they do not contain carbohydrates in them. But still you should choose a source of animal protein that contains more unsaturated fats.

What about snacks?

Maybe all this time you hear that people with diabetes should not snack, because it will only make blood sugar levels and weight gain. But, the fact you can still snacking kok, despite having diabetes.

You should choose a healthy and safe snack, which will not make your blood sugar rise quickly. No need to confuse choosing a healthy snack that has a low glycemic index, because all contained in SOYJOY.

SOYJOY, which has a glycemic index of less than 50, is made from soybeans that have high fiber and protein content, which will keep you full longer. This healthy snack, you can consume two hours before eating, so make you not eat excessive carbohydrates.

The Ideal Time to Begin More Sports After Operation of the Appendix

Body recovery after appendicitis is quite time consuming, although basically this operation does not include major surgery and the risk is minimal. One way to speed up body recovery is by exercising. However, of course the duration and intensity of the sport after appendectomy can not be equated as you used to do before. So, when is the right time to start exercising again upon return from surgery? What sports can be done during this recovery period? Check out the full information in this article.

When can exercise begin after appendectomy?

The healing process of appendicitis usually varies, depending on the type of surgery you are taking. If the appendix is ​​removed through laparoscopy, recovery can be faster than surgery. Usually you are allowed to return to activity after 1-3 weeks after laparoscopy done, while if through surgery large, long recovery can take 2-4 weeks.

Whichever procedure you live, actually you can already exercise immediately after appendicitis surgery. With the note, the intensity is, for example like walking around the complex.

However you should avoid lifting heavy objects, such as weightlifting, for 2 weeks after laparoscopy or for 4-6 weeks after undergoing open surgery. In addition to the first absent from the gym at the gym, avoid also lifting objects weighing more than four kilograms, such as carrying a monthly shopping bag, a small suitcase, or carrying a baby.

What kind of exercise can be done after an appendectomy?

On foot

Once your appendectomy has passed, it's okay to immediately start the recovery process with a mild exercise such as short walking distance. During these streets, pay attention to your posture. Try to reduce the weight most of your weight on the abdominal muscles. Stop running as soon as you feel tired and do not force the sport for long periods of time.

Tighten your abdominal muscles

After a few weeks of recovery, doing basic abdominal exercises will help strengthen your core muscles. Start by sitting on the edge of the bed with your feet dangling from the edge of the bed. Straighten and tighten your back straight, while slowly lifting your legs up parallel to the floor. Hold this position for a few seconds before slowly lowering your legs back into position. Repeat until this movement until you start sweating, and stop when you are tired.


Swimming is a type of relaxed exercise that can help relax your joints. After recovering from appendicitis, try to start swimming with a short distance. Freestyle pools are reported to reduce the tension in the abdominal muscles that are common after appendicitis. But do not forget to make sure your stitches are fully recovered, yes!

Stop swimming as soon as you are exhausted or feel pain in the lower abdominal area. As your strength returns, increase the number of turns you do in the pool.

Benefits and Low Protein Diet Guidelines for Kidney Failure Patients

Kidney failure patients do have to keep their diet quite tight. Because, many foods that may be nutritious for people who do not have kidney failure, it can aggravate the condition of this disease. Well, the diet that is often recommended for patients with kidney failure is a low-protein diet. What is a low-protein diet? Here's the explanation.

What is a low-protein diet for patients with kidney failure?

A low-protein diet is a diet that limits protein from food or daily consumption. In this diet, protein intake is lower than normal needs. A low-protein diet is given to a person who has a decline in chronic kidney function or chronic renal failure.

The goal of this diet according to the Ministry of Health is to meet the needs of nutrients to suit the kidney function, regulate fluid and electrolyte balance, slow the decline in kidney function further, and maintain stamina for patients to normal activity.

Why kidney failure patients should limit protein intake?

Limiting protein intake in patients with renal failure is not without cause. The protein you consume will be digested and broken down into amino acids by the body with the help of enzymes.

The digestion of this protein will start from the stomach then the intestines. Amino acids are digested by the body will then be carried by the bloodstream and sent to all parts of the body in need.

The body itself requires a number of different amino acids, depending on the type of amino acid. Prepared proteins will be processed by the kidneys and removed if no longer needed. Substance removal of protein digestion released by the kidney is urea in urine (urine).

The more protein the body digests, the more amino acids are filtered by the kidneys and make your kidneys work harder. Especially if you are a patient with chronic renal failure whose kidneys are not working properly. This is the reason why patients with kidney failure should limit protein intake.

What is a low-protein diet for patients with kidney failure?

The intake of proteins consumed by patients with renal failure should be different from those who do not have kidney problems. According to the Ministry of Health, the recommended daily intake of protein for patients with renal failure is 0.6 grams per kilogram of body weight.

From these recommendations, try to get 60 percent from animal protein that has high biological value. Eg eggs and chicken, beef, fish, and milk. Even eggs are called perfect protein sources because they contain amino acids that are exactly like the amino acids present in the body.

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The idea of ​​a meal menu can be tried

Here is the menu of food recommended by the Ministry of Health for patients with chronic renal failure. The following menu has a nutritional value of energy 2030 kcal, 40 grams of protein, 60 grams of fat, and 336 grams of daily calories.


100 grams of rice (¾ cup)
75 grams of egg balado (1 small grain)
40 grams of honey (2 sachets)
20 grams of milk (4 tbsp)
13 grams of sugar (1 tbsp)
At 10:00

50 grams of talam cake (1 portion)
13 grams of sugar (1 tbsp)

150 grams of rice (1 cup)
50 grams of beef (1 medium cut)
50 grams setup carrot bean (½ cup)
100 grams of pineapple setup (1 piece)
At 4pm

50 grams of pudding (1 medium cut)
3 tbsp fla

150 grams of rice (1 cup)
40 grams of grilled chicken (1 medium cut)
50 gram cap fried cay (½ cup)
100 grams of papaya (1 piece)

7 Causes of Vaginal Infections If Never Ever Been Connected Sex

Vaginal infections are usually characterized by itching, heat, pain in the vagina or around your vagina, or problems with your vaginal discharge (vaginal discharge). From the results of browsing and right-left queries, you know that these signs may indicate venereal diseases such as herpes, HPV, and gonorrhea. Which makes you more scratching your head, you have never had sex at all. How can you get vaginal infections?

Apparently, despite the symptoms of eleven-twelve, not all vaginal infections caused by sexual contact. Problems with the vagina are also not always associated with venereal diseases.

Why can you get vaginal infections when you have never had sex?

The two most common vaginal infections are bacterial vaginosis and yeast infections. These two infections can usually arise without any sexual contact. Yeast infections are the overgrowth of the fungus, aka yeast, which is usually present in your body. Meanwhile, bacterial vaginosis occurs when there is an imbalance between bad bacteria and good bacteria in the vagina.

Both of these infections cause whiteness that is different than usual, white as thick as milk, or gray. If there is a fishy odor accompanying it, maybe bacterial vaginosis is the culprit of your problem. But if your whiteness looks clumped like a chunk, chances are the cause is yeast infection. Both can also cause itching and burning sensation during urination.

Here are seven ways you can get vaginal infections without having sex:

1. Drink antibiotics

Antibiotics (such as amoxicillin or steroid drugs) treat infections by fighting bacteria. On the other hand, this drug can take a long time to distinguish which bad bacteria and good bacteria. So, although antibiotics work to quell bad bacteria, in the process some good bacteria may come off.

Good bacteria in the vagina have a function as a counterweight to the vaginal yeast population - called candida. Without good bacteria, the fungus will very quickly multiply its population and colonize the ecosystem in your vagina.

2. Smoking

Not only heart and lung health that will be threatened if you are a heavy smoker, but also your vagina. Women who smoke twice are more likely to develop bacterial vaginosis than non-smokers. Although it has not been determined that smoking is a direct cause of this infection, studies show that smoking is associated with a decrease in Lactobacillus spp populations in the vagina. These good bacteria are then replaced with bad bacteria, generally Gardnerella.

3. Wear clothes that do not absorb sweat

Bacteria and fungus will harvest high in warm and humid closed environments. Unfortunately, continuing to wear skinny jeans, tight pants or leggings, or even lingering over a wet bathing suit can cause your vaginal fungus to widen so as to cause a yeast infection.

The solution is simple: Let your vagina "breathe". Start wearing loose pants and better not to wear underwear while sleeping, unless you need to. In addition, choose fabric made of cotton to facilitate your skin breathing. Do not forget also to often change underwear.

4. Cleaning the vagina with douching

Unlike what the ad says, vaginal douching, aka vaginal sprays, is actually bad for your vaginal health. The douching fluid can rinse the good bacteria population and alter the balance of your vaginal pH to trigger the growth of excess bacteria, which eventually leads to bacterial vaginosis.

The solution? Stop douching. Vagina does not need fragrant flower gardens. Unless followed by other symptoms, your vaginal odor is normal, and will be different for every woman.

5. Allergy to personal hygiene products

Occasionally, itching, burning sensations, and even abnormal vaginal discharge can occur without infection. Most often, this vaginal problem occurs as an allergic or chemical irritant reaction in personal hygiene products, such as clothes detergent, fabric softening liquid, fragrant soaps, perfumed pads, or even clothing. All of this will cause skin irritation when in contact with super sensitive vaginal skin.

If you experience an itch or burning sensation down there, consider stopping some of the allergen products that might trigger your problem before rushing to the doctor.

6. You have uncontrolled diabetes

If you have diabetes, watch for signs of yeast infection, such as abnormal vaginal discharge and vaginal itching or burning. Uncontrolled blood sugar can trigger an increase in fungal growth, so if you have diabetes and are prone to yeast infections, consider contacting your doctor; diabetes treatment can be tailored to your condition.

7. Other causes

Vaginal infections that are not from sexual contact can also result from decreased hormones before menopause; Your ovaries are removed (as one method of birth control); or you are taking birth control pills that have high doses of estrogen. Bacterial vaginosis is also common among pregnant women.

Various ways of treating vaginal infections

Vaginal infections can be treated with non-prescription drugs that are widely sold in pharmacies in the form of creams, ointments, tablets, or tools inserted into your vagina. But it is always better to consult your doctor first if you have pain, itching, or other symptoms around the vagina, and as much as possible not trying to vigilante. Do not risk your health by doing carelessness. Visit a doctor or other health professional who can find out the right cause and treatment.

The key to treating vaginal infections effectively is getting the right diagnosis. Pay close attention to what symptoms you have and when your complaints begin. Prepare to describe your color, texture, smell, and whiteness. Do not douching before visiting a doctor; this will make accurate diagnosis difficult or impossible. Some doctors will ask you not to have sex for 24-48 hours before your appointment.

Do not scratch to ease the itch. You may inadvertently create a microscopic tear on the skin that allows bacteria or viruses that cause sexually transmitted diseases to enter your body more easily in the future.

Simple Ways to Be Always Healthy and Ageless

Being old is a natural process that must be experienced by all living things. But how you age depends on many things, from your health history and your lifestyle.

If you take good care of your body and learn how to manage stress, you can slow down the process of physical aging, and even prevent problems that often occur as you get older. So, what kind of youth is simple but beneficial for health?

Currently there are many diverse beauty treatments that offer an instant way to inhibit the aging process. But remember, this way can usually not last long. Well, to get more effective results in the long run, the safest and most appropriate way is to apply a healthy lifestyle.

In fact it is never too early or too late to change bad habits and start good habits. No matter when you start it, a healthy lifestyle will definitely make a difference to what you feel.

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Here are some simple habits that you can do to live a healthier and youthful.

1. On move

One of the most important ways as the key to successful youth is to do physical activity. Moving actively through exercise habits can slow down the natural aging process as well as become healthier in old age.

Illustration (SHUTTERSTOCK)
Not only that, sports can be the key to maintaining a healthy body overall. This happens because the exercise keeps the blood circulation and body metabolism in order to stay organized so that the heart, muscles, bones, and other organs remain healthy.
Exercise also proves to reduce the risk of heart disease, sleep disorders, depression, improve memory and better bone strength, thus reducing your chances of dying young.

It's never too late to start exercising. Do the sport you love. Walking, cycling, aerobics, or yoga are some of the sports options you can take.

Read: 7 Your Signs Are Not Fit

2. Eat a healthy diet

Another way to keep your body and appearance young is to eat healthy foods. You do not need to apply complicated diets or anything of the sort. Simply add the amount of fruit and vegetables to your daily menu. Both of these foods contain no cholesterol and have low calories.

Illustration Healthy food
Illustration Healthy food (GeorgeRudy)
In addition to having a lot of fiber and vitamin content, fruits and vegetables also contain many minerals, such as calcium and iron that must be good for the body. Watch also how to cook your food. Avoid anything cooked by frying.
Read: Healthy Foods that are Not Healthy

3. Get enough rest

Sufficient sleep daily is also the key to staying young. Because sleep gives a lot of significant influence on your body, be it from your physical and mental. Sleeping 7-8 hours each day is needed to keep skin healthy and not wrinkled quickly.

Illustration of deep sleep
Illustration of deep sleep (AntonioGuillem)
However, too much sleep is also not good and can even accelerate the process of damage to skin cells.
Read: To Sleep Quality, Create Reasons To Wake Up Morning

4. Doing skin care

There are many ways you can do to maintain healthy skin. One way that you can do to avoid premature aging is to use a regular skin moisturizer. This method will nourish dry skin, causing skin cells to become aging and wrinkles.

Men also need facial care
Men also need facial treatment (AndreyPopov)
Generally dry skin is caused due to too often exposed to sunlight. That's why, do not forget to use a moisturizer that contains SPF to prevent your skin from exposure to sunlight.
In addition to moisturizing the skin, sunscreen is also useful to protect the skin from cancer due to excessive sun exposure.

5. Think positive and build good relationships with people around

There must be times where you seem to want to avoid a lot of people. However, do not let it drag on. Build good relationships with people around you and do as much good as possible. The more you connect with people who are warmth, it will have a positive impact on your mind and yourself.

The merciful person is easy to get along, has lots of friends, is attentive, and loves to share.
People are easy to get along with, have lots of friends, are caring and happy to share. (Shutterstock)
This can be one of the youthful ways that can help you prevent stress and feel better.